5 Ways to earn your husband’s respect

Daily Hadeeth
A nice way to a husband’s heart is when you are an excellent cook. But hey! What if you are a terrible cook? Don’t worry girls! There are easier and nicer ways to his heart and those don’t require detours via his tummy. Good amount of mental compatibility generally leads to a happy married life but in case of mismatched personalities, things can get twisted and marriage can become an ordeal. A daily challenge!
It is always wise to work hard to make-up rather than just break-up. Girls! Don’t give up just yet. There are strategies you need to work on and walk that extra mile to make you marriage work. Your high standards, professional education, riches and beauty would never guarantee you a true everlasting love. Winning your husband’s heart requires a little patience putting ego aside and a pinch of wisdom. Patience is an innate quality of yours. Let’s talk about the strategies that can make him fall in love with you.

1. Respect him for who he is

No matter he is financially not up to your expectations, you must honor him, be his motivation, obedient and empathizing. Use kind words and avoid bitterness. Try to accommodate with whatever he is providing you. Remember even if you’d have married the richest man, you will get what has been written for you.

Do Not Consider Your Wife Your Student

2. Stay lively!

Replace those forehead creases with a 1000watt smile on your face. It is a research proven fact that happy faces tend to attract more than the gloomy ones. So when your husband returns home after long tiring day, your smile will always be there to embrace him and this will take away his worries. Stay contented and avoid giving him guilt trips. Control your temper when he is angry and don’t aggravate the situation by talking back. Give him all his rights. Play your part well and you will be blessed by Allah who is watching over you.

3. Care for him

Empathize with you husband. Try to do his chores by yourself, make his clothes ready, prepare dinner on time, share food together and never ask him more than his capability. Remember, a spoken word does an irreparable damage. So keep your words and tone gentle. Instead of wasting time here and there, spend quality time with him, share his worries. In times of financial crisis, use your skills or education to be his earning partner. Never ever claim your favors over your husband as this will render all your efforts useless. Be a giver!

Wives should be praised

4. Avoid spend thrifting

Be frugal when budgeting. Manage expenses wisely. Save some for the rainy days too. Limit lavishes and brands, you can wear and eat local brands and still be as happy as anyone could be. You are the home you manager, can make or break the home economy. So spend sensibly. Don’t be extravagant but avoid being too penny pinching.

5. Managing household affairs

wisely always keeps trouble at bay. This is a very effective way to win your husband’s heart. On the contrary, a mismanaged clumsy woman can only bring in hardships. Mis-governance not only disrupts the budget but also negatively impacts on the general household and children’s upbringing. This can distract a man from his family. The wrecked home infuriates him, depresses him and he gradually distance himself from home and in worse scenarios may even indulge in misdeeds.

The Key to Transform an Unkind Man into a Gentle Husband

So dear girls! Good management is not just an office setup term; it is the first rule for successful household affairs. Your beauty meter will still be at zero if your house is a mess and kids unattended. Trust me! Men prefer inner beauty and intelligence of a woman. Such women actually meet the criteria of being a beautiful attractive woman for a husband.
Believe me! This is not hard. But sadly, many women keep a bossy attitude in their false conception that an oppressing attitude might make their husband obedient to them. Kindly ladies! Throw this illusion in trash.
Love can conquer the world and tame the wildest of beasts. Husbands need an understanding partner. Remember! Compromises act as a catalyst speeding up the process of love. It’s a tool to enhance the bond between the two. There is NO cupid of love. Love is built on sacrifice. It takes time and hardships to make a diamond out of coal.